Saturday, May 16, 2009

Mothers are so much fun!

At our recent gathering of the Mothers we had a blast documenting the making of the Picarones. Here Mama holds one up for us to admire and droll over. This is a treat that my dear Tia Cucha has been making at family gatherings for the past many years. This year some of the younger mothers gathered to watch her and get the recipe. Then the PAPS aka(Peruvian American Princesses) went a little crazy with the laughs and hip movements. We even got Tia to shake a little booty. These are my wonderful mamas and we are a bunch to contend with. What fun and joy to be with them.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


One of my favorite times of day is early evening in late spring or early summer. I sit and listen to birds calling out and have a sense of fulfillment at the day's events. Tummies are full and light fades gently and invites for a walk. Tired but content I look forward to the night and quiet activities and then sleep at last. My favorite time of day.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


With Mother's day fast approaching I reflect on mothers. The umbilical cord stretches across the distance to Mama and son. I am a mom, I have a mom, I crave a mom as I mourn the passage of young mother into old mother. Taking care of mom and reliving mom as that one who feeds and watches over with tenderness rooted in the reality we call life. My womb remembers being full of life. Grateful to have been given the gift of life. Mothers are connections between people who love each other. I am a mother. I am connected to life.